Thursday, December 4, 2008

Astrology and Mystic Christianity

Astrology was already widely known at the time of the birth of Christ. For example, the Bible records travels of persons between the Holy Lands and Egypt, where astrology was very popular. There had also been contact with Babylon, where astrology went back to the ancient Sumerians.

In the book "Mystic Christianity", Yogi Ramacharaka discusses the Star in the East and what it means. He said that the traditions of the Occult Orders inform us that what the Three Wise Men observed was "a pecular conjunction of planets" - which we modern astrologers would call a "stellium", meaning three planets all in the same direction at once in the sky, as seen from the earth. There was first a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, and they were afterward joined by Mars, making "a startling and unusual stellar display, and having deep astrological significance".

This stellium, according to Yogi Ramacharaka, occurred in the Constellation of Pisces. The teachings of Christ are indeed very Piscean, having to do with compassion for the weak, self-sacrifice, and subtle healing. Pisces is the sign of the Fish, and Jesus had fishermen as disciples (Saturn) and fed the multitude by starting (Mars) with a small number of fish and increasing their number through faith (Jupiter).

Note: This is my last and final posting at Astrology Inspiration, as I have now written about all of the topics which I had in mind at the beginning. These postings will remain here until such time as the blogsite provider decides to remove them, so now is your chance to read or print out any postings you wish.

You may be interested in my new blogsite, which is called Prosperity Astrology, which I have already begun as a compassionate response to the world economic situation. It will tentatively run until March 2009, with postings approximately once a week.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Taking the High Road Part 2: Outer Planets

This posting is a continuation of the previous one:

JUPITER - Have faith and optimism. Aim high. Avoid self-indulgence by remembering that your good fortune is a gift from God to be shared.

SATURN - Be well organized and self-disciplined. Set goals and work to achieve them.Transcend authoritarianism and limitation.

URANUS - Trust your higher intuition. Be inventive. Value your freedom. Help others, for the good of all. Transcend eccentricity and bohemianism by finding meaningful outlets for your uniqueness.

NEPTUNE - Honour your creativity, sensitivity, and receptivity. Be compassionate and giving to others. Help those most in need. Be one with nature. Avoid addiction or dependency by believing in yourself.

PLUTO - Value your resourcefulness, creativity and courage. Rise above scheming or vengefulness by channeling your willpower into meaningful, positive changes and regenerative efforts.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Taking the High Road Part 1: Inner Planets

Your astrological chart presents various possibilities, and it is up to you and your own willpower to decide how to meet these opportunities and challenges. Be inspired to take the high road!

Here is the high road for each planetary influence:

SUN - Consciously use your ego to express your inner will to do good. Align your ego with your spirit. Have healthy self-confidence.

MOON - Direct your emotions towards nurturing yourself and others. Transcend any negative emotions.

MERCURY - Develop your intellect and use it for spiritual purposes. Foster positive, constructive thinking, good memory, logic, and detachment.

VENUS - Love yourself and others. Create harmony and beauty. Be compassionate. Rise above indecision or attachment to possessions.

MARS - Take constructive action. Transcend aggressive or selfish behaviour. Be positive, pioneeering, and do your best. Keep fit.

You can use the above suggestions for both your natal chart and your current transits.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Decanates and Duads for More Precise Chart Interpretation

An astrological chart is divided into twelve houses. Each house represents 30 degrees of the 360-degree circle.

Each house can, in turn, be divided into three sections of 10 degrees each, called decanates. Decanates allow for a more detailed, precise focus in inspiring your clients.

Each decanate, in turn, can be divided into four sections of 2 1/2 degrees each, called duads. Some astrologers go beyond duads to consider each of the 360 degrees separately. These smaller divisions are usually used in East Indian astrology, and they come up with very precise predictions.

Within each house, there is a whole, microcosmic horoscope, made up of 12 divisions of 2 1/2 degrees each - or 12 duads.

For the interpretation of decanates, the first decanate in each sign is sub-ruled by the same sign as the sign itself. For example, for Leo, the first decanate is ruled by Leo. The next decanate is sub-ruled by the next sign in the triplicity, going around the chart counter-clockwise. So the next decanate after Leo would be Sagittarius (i.e. the next fire sign), and the third would be Aries. So, a person born in the first decanate of Leo would have an intensified Leo influence. Those born in the second would still be Leos but also have Sagittarian qualities, and so on.

For the interpretation of duads, the first duad in each sign has the sub-sign of the sign itself, and then they proceed in order through all twelve. For example, the first duad of Aries,would intensify the Aries influence; the second would add a Taurean influence to the Aries, and so on.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Forgotten Influence of the Fixed Stars

Most modern, astrological readings just include the Sun, the Moon, and the planets within our own solar system. There was a fad for a while to include the largest asteroids, but even they are part of our own solar system, because they orbit our Sun and are located between Mars and Jupiter.

It is felt that the influences within our solar system are more significant, but what about the degree of brightness of the heavenly bodies as a factor in their importance? We cannot even see Uranus, Neptune and Pluto without a telescope. Yet, if we look up at the night sky on any clear night, we can see a myriad of fixed stars which must be extremely large and bright, because they are so easily visible in spite of their great distance from us.

Fixed stars used to be considered very important in astrology. One reason for this was that the ancients were closer to nature and were more aware of what was up in the sky. Another reason is that the meanings associated with fixed stars were often negative, and people these days want to hear good news. Also, our society has become very materialistic and people tend not to look beyond immediate gain to subtler, spiritual factors.

Yet, the interpretations of the fixed stars need not be in negative terms. Transcendental, spiritual awareness allows for the same influences to be interpreted in a more constructive, favorable light. The influences can be seen as opportunities for spiritual growth, rather than as limitations.

If you are interested in the influences of the fixed stars, there is very little published, transcendental knowledge available about them. However, this may change in the future, as human knowledge grows and expands. Someone, someday, will write a definitive work on fixed stars.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Astrological Weather Indicators

Because the ancients needed to be able to predict the weather in order to grow their crops, they developed a very sophisticated system of weather prediction. Ptolemy recorded much of what was known about the subject in about 150 A.D. in his work "Tetrabiblos". He included both the twelve zodiacal signs as a whole and then broke down each sign into its three decanates and their effects on the weather. He also included the effects of new and full moons, the different appearances of the sun and the moon, fixed stars, and rainbows.

My own observations have been that the element of the moon is very influential on the weather:
Moon in fire sign - hot
Moon in earth sign - cold
Moon in air sign - windy
Moon in water sign - rain

Mars-Uranus aspects indicate thunderstorms. Aspects between planets ruling fire signs (Sun, Mars, Jupiter) indicate a heatwave in summer or a sunny day (clear, cold) in winter. If there are three or more square aspects on a given day, the weather will likely be inclement but active.

The best way to understand astrological weather indicators is to make your own observations. The types of weather differ from one part of the world to another, and you may be able to add to the world's knowledge by finding the patterns in your own area.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Creating World Peace in Accordance with Your Astrological Sign

Here is how you, as an individual, can tie into the goal of world peace. (Dates for each sign are based on sidereal calculations.)

ARIES (April 14 to May 15)
Put your ideals into action. Be a pioneer in trying a new method of peace. Help others overcome their indecisiveness, apathy or fear. Encourage them to move into the future with a positive attitude. Sell the idea of peace.

TAURUS (May 15 to June 15)
Show others how to be patient. Build for the long-term future in an agreeable, logical way. Know that real security comes from within. Transcend the need for money, buildings, or other material attachments and seek what is truly lasting.

GEMINI (June 15 to July 17)
Use your communications skills to get people to understand one another. Do this as a translator, reporter or teacher. Be aware of the very powerful effect of words. Use positive words to create positive effects.

CANCER ((July 17 to August 18)
Nurture yourself and train your mind to have positive expectations about the world around you. Then you will have much to offer your family. Harmonious families are the basis of a harmonious world. Associate with positive, caring people. Know that you are secure and all will be well.

LEO ((August 18 to September 18)
Transcend your ego and be guided by your spirit. Awaken others to the love of life and the positive enthusiasm needed to make a better world. Dramatize the joy of peace, such as by reminding people of happy children. Lift others out of their doubts and inspire them.

VIRGO (September 18 to October 18)
Use your rational mind to show others the logical basis for overcoming fear. Help them see the rationality of positive thinking. Build understanding with your objectivity. Teach others that good physical, mental, and spiritual health is the basis of a healthy, peaceful planet.

LIBRA (October 18 to November 17)
Use your natural mediation skills to bring people of opposing views to agreement. Set a good example of harmony and compromise. Help others discover their common ground and build on it. Believe in your unusually clear, inner vision of peace.

SCORPIO (November 17 to December 17)
Delve into what the blocks are to peace and work at the transformative level. Find out the real truth and help others change negative root beliefs into positive ones. Help them believe that a deep shift to the positive is possible. Set a good example of courage.

SAGITTARIUS (December 17 to January 15)
Seek out the positive beliefs in the various world religions and philosophies. Teach others to focus on the highest, most positive affirmations for world peace. Spread good news. Transcend cultural barriers at home or go forth and uplift others in a faraway land.

CAPRICORN (January 15 to February 14)
Deal with people in power, so that you can have a significant influence on world peace. Be trustworthy and reliable. Turn big problems into small ones. Use your logic and detachment to find the most practical, realistic solutions.

AQUARIUS (February 13 to March 15)
Use your natural, universal awareness to spread tolerance and friendship. Bring in the Light from higher planes of consciousness. Find unique, inventive solutions for peace. Take up the cause. Associate with others who share your vision of the most good for all people.

PISCES (March 15 to April 14)
Nurture your emotions and take good care of your health. Be clear yourself so that you can channel in the Light and meditate on healing the planet as a whole. Overcome any negative thoughts by starting with one, positive thought. Keep building on it until the pure Light comes in. Set an example of the highest compassion for others.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Four Elements and Relationship Compatibility

The twelve astrological signs are each indicative of one of the four elements of fire, earth, air or water:
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
(Note: See my August 11 posting "Sidereal Astrology Explained", to get the astronomically correct dates for each of the twelve signs.)

How do persons of these various combinations get along?

Fire-Fire - Great energy, passion and enthusiasm at first, but then it can burn out.

Fire-Earth - Fire uplifts earth's spirits and earth helps fire achieve more practical things, but they are very different and too much earth can put a fire out.

Fire-Air - Fire warms the air and air helps the fire burn better. Very compatible and enlivening.

Fire-Water - Fire can heat up water to the point of steaming over with anger. Water puts a fire out. Not a favorable combination.

Earth-Earth - Good for practicality, dependability and long-term commitment, but lacking in excitement.

Earth-Air - Earth may find air superficial and inconsistent. Air needs change and may blow earth away as dust. Tend to be too different from each other.

Earth-Water - They compliment each other. Earth gives water stability and a place to flow. Water gives earth the ability to grow plants.

Air-Air - They enjoy sociability and communication, and share higher intellectual interests above the fire, earth and water. They get little practical done, but are very compatible.

Air-Water - Air does not seem sensitive enough or deep enough for water. Water can make the air feel stifled and unable to circulate. Little in common.

Water-Water - They are very compatible emotionally and can support, heal, and nurture each other.

(l) It is best to consider the whole, astrological chart and not just the sun signs to determine a persons's most prominent element.
(2) Even if your elements are incompatible, you can still do a great deal by way of compromise and willpower to make a relationship better.
(3) The above describes the symmetry and order of Divine Creation in the realm of human relationships. However, always remember that your most important inspiration is your relationship is with the Divine.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Synastry: The Astrology of Relationships

One of the most frequent reasons why clients come to astrologers is that they have questions about a relationship which they have with someone else. Sometimes they have just met someone and they wonder whether a relationship with that person would work out. Other times, they are already in a relationship and wonder how they can make it more harmonious. Sometimes they are wondering if the differences between them are so great that they would be better off separating and finding someone else.

The astrological study of relationships - also called "synastry" - is very fascinating and yet relatively easy to understand.

There are four elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water. Fire and air get along best with each other, and earth and water get along best with each other. Those of the same element, such as two persons of fire signs, are also compatible. In my next posting, I will go into more detail about this.

If you want to delve more deeply into synastry - for example, into other compatibility indicators besides the four elements - a very good, little book on the subject is "How to Handle Your Human Relations" by Lois Hanes Sargent. She goes into both attraction and endurability factors. ("Endurability" refers to whether the relationship will last.) There is also "The Astrology of Human Relationships" by Frances Sakoian and Louis S. Acker.

Sometimes the indicators which bring people together are on a deeper, spiritual level. For example, there are "soul mates" and "twin flames" - persons who are meant to come together for a higher, spiritual purpose.

There are also exceptions to the rule. One woman who came to me said that she kept being drawn to a particular man even though they seemed to have nothing in common. Their charts confirmed their lack of compatibility. However, they both had Saturn square their lunar nodes. She was new to Canada and the man, in another country, was just beginning an uncertain business veture. Their common ground was simply their shared need for stability and roots.

For more information, please contact me, Rainbow Life, at

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Astrology and Your Health

According to "The American Book of Nutrition and Medical Astrology" by Eileen Nauman, you can understand your health better by analyzing your astrological chart.

Your houses tell why any ailment might occur. Their root cause is told by the overall modality: If cardinal signs are prominent, the root cause would pertain to your kidneys. Mutable signs: your lymph gland system. Fixed signs: your colon. So, you can strategically maintain health by taking special care of whichever part could be the root cause of any illness.

Hard aspects, especially quincunxes - then squares, conjunctions and oppositions - indicate how likely or how serious any ailment might be. The planets tell how the organ or bodily function would likely be affected. The signs show where (i.e. the area of the body) where any ailment might occur - going from Aries ruling the head down to Pisces ruling the feet. The transits tell when any ailment might occur.

By gaining experience in working with these indicators, you can become aware of a great deal concerning your health and how to improve it.

For more information, please contact me, Rainbow Life, at

Monday, October 6, 2008

Heliocentric Astrology Explained

Heliocentric astrology is a method of chart calculation based on the positions of the planets from the vantage point of the sun, rather than the earth. Most astrological charts are what are called "geocentric", which means that they are calculated according to how we see them from the earth, rather than from the sun.

Each method has its own advantages: The origin of our solar system is the sun, and a heliocentric chart gives us a more primal, creative perspective. On the other hand, we were born on the earth, and our first and most lasting impression of the influences of the planets would have been from our earthly perspective.

When I am interpreting a chart, I include both the geocentric and heliocentric positions, to get the whole picture. I found in my research that, when an event seemed unexplainable in the geocentric chart, the answer lay in the heliocentric chart - especially heliocentric Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The positions of these three planets differ greatly from one system to the other, but the outer planets are in almost the same positions in both systems - that is, whether you are viewing them from the earth or according to where they would appear from the sun.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why My Astrological Consultations Are Excellent

After many years of working with astrology, I have found that the following ingredients are especially significant in giving the most meaningful consultations:

l) I use sidereal calculations for current, astronomical accuracy.

2) I include heliocentric calculations for deeper, more comprehensive insight.

3) I use a client-centred approach which respects your individual will and encourages your own, great potential to unfold.

4) I give a very positive, but objective, description of your chart, based on the "high road" rather than the "low road" for each possibility - to encourage your highest, spiritual manifestation in your daily life.

5) I have very highly developed intuition, based on more than 35 years of daily transcendental meditation and other spiritual practises.

6) I have more than 35 years of experience with astrology - in first using my own chart as a tool for personal growth, and then helping others in the same way. I have also conducted internationally published, astrological research studies, been a member of an organization of professional astrologers, and written six astrological, computer software, interpretive reports.

7) My mission is now to pass on my knowledge and experience of astrology and to enlighten and uplift as many sincere persons as possible.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sidereal Astrology Explained

Sidereal calculations, unlike popular astrology, take into account the precession of the equinoxes. Precession is caused by a slight wobble of the earth's axis, which makes the planets appear to move back in the sky by one degree every 72 years.

Sidereal calculations are based on where astronomers actually observe the planets to be in the sky in 2008, with their scientific instruments, rather than where the planets were historically without precession being taken into account.

In the year 2008, all of the planets have moved back by about 25 degrees from the positions used in popular astrology, which was accurate only in the year 221 A.D., when the "popular" system was introduced in ancient Greece.

If you work with your sidereal chart, you will be amazed at its increased level of accuracy!

Here are the approximate dates for each sidereal sign:

Aries - April 14 to May 15
Taurus - May 15 to June 15
Gemini - June 15 to July 17
Cancer - July 17 to Aug. 18
Leo-Aug. 18 to Sept. 18
Virgo - Sept. 18 to Oct. 18
Libra - Oct. 18 to Nov. 17
Scorpio - Nov. 17 to Dec. 17
Sagittarius - Dec. 17 to Jan. 15
Capricorn - Jan. 15 to Feb. 14
Aquarius - Feb. 14 to March 15
Pisces - March 15 to April 14

If you are a Libra in popular astrology, you are most likely really a Virgo in sidereal astrology, unless you were born in the last 5 degrees of "popular" Libra (each sign being 30 degrees).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why Get Your Astrology Chart Done Again?

1) The positions of the planets change in the sky, bringing new opportunities and challenges.

2) Your awareness has grown, giving you new tools to solve old problems.

3) Special astrological calculations (heliocentric and sidereal) can add to the accuracy of your reading.

4) You would get a second opinion about surgery, so why not get a second opinion about your life?

5) Day-to-day experiences can block your right-brain awareness and inner perception; astrology brings back creativity and clarity.

6) Astrology lets you know how long the current influences in your life will last and how best to handle them.

7) Astrology is a broad field, beyond natal chart and relationship readings. You can also explore your life's mission, past karma, health, prosperity, and unlimited other areas.

For further information please contact me, Rainbow Life, at:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Overcoming Popular Myths about Astrology

Astrologers look at the whole chart and not just the person's sun sign, as is given in the popular newspaper columns. In order to perceive the validity of astrology, it it necessary to look at the totality of it and not just one, over-generalized part of the whole. Besides the sun, astrologers also take into account the influence of the moon, the planets, the angles between them, and other factors as well. In addition, reputable astrologers use astrology to enhance individual consciousness and awareness, not to make precise predictions about future events. They do not set themselves up as "gods", but instead encourage their clients to become self-empowered and to make their own choices based on a better knowledge of the trends and cycles.

How Astronomy Can Benefit Astrological Accuracy

Astrology and astronomy used to be one. When the discovery was made that the planets revolve around the sun rather than the earth, scientists mistakenly dismissed astrology as not being valid. However, ancient astrologers used a heliocentric system, and this knowledge had been temporarily lost. When science rediscovered it, what should have happened is that heliocentric calculations should have been added to the existing knowledge of astrology, as they do indeed make astrology more accurate and complete. The astronomical discovery of the precession of the equinoxes has also enhanced modern astrology, because sidereal calculations can now be used to take precession in account.

Psychic Perception and Astrology

Mechanistic science is dependent upon objective observation in order to determine what is fact. However, the ability to observe depends on the fineness of perception of the observer. Good psychics have very finely tuned perception, and they observe the astral plane of astrology directly. Kirlian photography, which uses infra-red film, even allows astral auras to be photographed. Science recognizes that the brain has two hemispheres. The left-brain is responsible for logical thought, which is used in mechanistic proof. However, the right-brain, which is able to engage in lateral thinking and be receptive to auras, is just as valid.

Note: If you are an astrologer constructing the charts for the dates of these blog posts, please note that the dates given seem to represent the date when the draft was begun, not the date of the actual publication. Also, the times given seem to be Pacific Time, rather than the time in the actual location.

The Validity of Astrology Beyond Mechanistic Science

Mechanistic science is useful as far as it goes, because it systematically documents patterns in events which are observable to the ordinary senses. However, science itself has advanced beyond the mechanistic model to Einstein's theory of relativity.

In Einstein's theory, events are defined by time and the three dimensions of space. Einstein was very knowledgeable about astrology (his own sun sign being at the end of sidereal Aquarius), and his theory is parallel to the way in which we apply astrology. A person's uniqueness in astrology is seen in terms of the time (date and time of day) and the space or place (city or town and country) of the person's birth.

Beyond relativity is the absolute - the unmanifested, universal awareness which is at the source of Creation. Einstein's theory links the everyday realm of mechanistic science with the metaphysical, subtler realms beyond ordinary, physical observation. In other words, modern, scientific theory has moved beyond the level of there having to be mechanistic proof of something for it to have validity.

Astrology, therefore, is valid with or without the collection of data to correlate it with everyday events. Astronomers and other scientists who try to suggest that astrology is not valid because it cannot be proved mechanistically need to be brought up to date with the advances in their own field of study.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Scientific Evidence for Astrology

There is much scientific, empirical research which demonstrates statistically significant correlations between planetary positions and observable events on earth. The leaders in this research have been Michel and Francoise Gauquelin, who have conducted many large studies and published books on the subject.

I worked with Francoise Gauquelin on a number of such studies myself, and I can attest to her exactness and thoroughness in making sure that the results were accurate and complete. I also met Michel Gauquelin when he presented a lecture and workshop in Toronto during his last North American tour. I was greatly impressed with his idealism, vision, and long, hard work.

The present-day organization, the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), is an outgrowth of the Gauquelin's research, and you can find out about their ongoing research by Googling in their website.

Higher Consciousness and Astrological Insight

If we are in a higher state of consciousness, knowledge can come to us directly through meditation or prayer. In this state of awareness, we transcend mind-body dualism and see that heaven and earth are united, and that astrology is the link between the two. Astrology is the symbolic language of the heart chakra, which is the point of union of physical and spiritual energies. Matter ascends and spirit descends. (As above, so below.) Astrology is a pathway to opening the heart chakra, because it can be used to enhance love of self and love of others, by focusing the attention inwards and contemplating the Source. is my Sky Blogsite. You can also view my Earth Blogsite, which is

Monday, July 21, 2008

Astrology, Christianity, and Rebirth

Astrology is in harmony with the teachings of the Bible. For example, the three wise men were astrologers, and they determined where the baby Jesus was by studying the stars.

Daniel was an astrologer, and his vision of the four beasts was in reference to the Egyptian sphinx, which represented the four fixed signs in astrology.

However, while the Magi predicted the birth of Jesus, Jesus himself said that no one could predict his rebirth. That was because the awareness of God goes high above the astral plane, which itself was created by God. Astrology deals with birth, and Christianity deals with rebirth - the ability to make a conscious choice of willpower, based on astrological and other knowledge, to live in harmony with Divine Will.

Astrology and Attunement with Nature

Awareness comes from being connected with nature and its cycles. This involves taking the time to actually observe nature and see what is really there.

In order to perceive that astrology works, you need to actually observe the heavenly bodies and come to appreciate their cycles. The ancients had a better opportunity to do this than we do. They had time to tune in to their subjective, as well as objective, responses to their observations. It was they who developed astrology.

Also, they more directly depended on this knowledge for survival. For example, fishermen observed the cycles of the moon to know when the fish would come in near shore to spawn. Agricultural societies needed to know when to plant and harvest their crops.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Are Computer Astrological Readings as Good as Consulting an Astrologer?

In answer to the above question, I would say that computer readings are good as far as they go. I am an author for an astrological software company myself. I write descriptions for the planets in the signs and houses, as well as the aspects. However, what would be difficult to include in a computer reading would be aspect patterns.

Aspect patterns involve the combined effects of several planets simultaneously into one, interpretative insight. For example, an in-person reading usually includes T-squares, kites, grand crosses, grand trines and other planetary configurations. It would take a very complex computer program to recognize these in a chart. The interpretation of these configurations would be further complicated by the fact that different interpretations would be required for each of the possible planets and combinations of planets which could be involved in a configuration.

Theoretically, in the future, software to include planetary configurations could be developed. However, the software I write now requires about 600 different paragraphs for each report - just for signs, houses and aspects. Each report is about as long as a book. So, it would take a lot of work to get all of the knowledge an astrologer has into computer report form.

In the meantime, an astrologer can give you insights which a computer cannot. A computer report combined with a reading from an astrologer might be your most comprehensive option at this stage in the development of computer software. Computers were created by human beings, and they certainly have not yet caught up with our intelligence. Yet, we can save work by using them to handle at least some of the knowledge which we have.

In addition, computer reports have not yet been written on all of the possible topics about which you might wish to consult an astrologer. If your questions or concerns are about an unusual or innovative topic, your best option would be just to consult an astrologer directly.

Questions? Email me, Rainbow Life, at

Monday, June 30, 2008

Prenatal Healing with Astrology

Did you know that astrology is an excellent tool for transcending prenatal blocks to ultimate happiness?

You were created in the image and likeness of God. Any traumatic experiences in your prenatal life were just the result of what westerners call "original sin" and easterners call "maya", or the illusion of things not being perfect.

What is needed for healing from any such blockages is to integrate, or connect, the perfection of your creation with your awareness of your divine nature now.

Someimes it can be an upsetting process to face past pain and release it. However, with your astrological chart as an objective detached guide, you can maintain your position of being above the pain and witness the healing taking place. In this way, you remain above reacting to the intensity of the healing taking place, and you proceed through it calmly.

An example would be that, if you have Saturn in Leo in your natal chart, you may have acquired back problems from your prenatal experiences. However, if you look at you chart as a whole - as a map of your individual, divine nature - you can see that chiropractic treatments, for example, are just a step towards your total self-realization, not a self-definition of weakness or illness. You can then proceed to release the tight places in your spine and get on with your overall life's mission - freer than you have ever been before.

Besides Saturn identifying any places in your body which may need special attention, there are other, especially significant indicators in your astrological chart as well. One is your Midheaven, which corresponds to your conception point on the top of your head. There are also your lunar nodes, which tell what type of influences have come into your life through your mother.....

In fact, your natal chart tells a whole, fascinating story about your past and your future possibilities. For more information, please feel free to contact me, Rainbow Life, at It is best to include your date, time, and place of birth, so that your astrological chart can be considered.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Planetary Correspondences to Your Chakras

Each of your seven chakras has its own type of energy. In turn, each chakra is ruled by a planet (or planets) in astrology. Here are the correspondences:

Crown Chakra - Uranus
Brow Chakra - Jupiter
Throat Chakra - Mercury and Neptune
Heart Chakra - Venus
Solar Plexus Chakra - Sun and Mars
Spleen Chakra - Moon and Pluto
Root Chakra - Earth and Saturn

You can heal your aura by beginning at the level of working with the planetary influences in your astrological chart. Or, you can begin with your aura and bring in light to guide you in living your astrological chart on the highest, possible, spiritual level.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Children's Astrology Charts

One of the wisest, best investments you can make is to get an astrological reading for your child.

If you know where your child's potential lies, you can help him or her achieve it in an understanding way. You can also avert physical or emotional health problems by identifying any underlying tendencies early.

Each child has his or her own learning style. For example, a child who has Mercury in Taurus will learn slowly but will remember what he or she learns for a much longer time than most children. Mercury in Gemini indicates a restless, agile mind constantly in need of new stimulation. The Mercury in Cancer child will be sensitive and eager to please and should be reassured and encouraged rather than disciplined. It is far better to know these things ahead of time for happier success in school.

A child's chart will also provide insights into his or her personality, perception of his or her parents, and special talents. It shows how your child socializes, asserts him/self, and develops spiritually. It gives guidance regarding past influences from grandparents and present learning from peers.

It is understandably difficult for parents to see their children objectively and to avoid projecting their own personalities onto their child. Astrology is a detached, objective way of very quickly uncovering a wealth of useful information. Parents can then use this knowledge in combination with their own, natural instincts as parents. The result is a very balanced, comprehensive and nurturing approach to the best parenting possible.

For more information about children's astrology charts, please feel welcome to contact me, Rainbow Life, at:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Volcanoes, Yods, and the Creation of New Life

The word "volcano" comes from the name "Vulcan", who was the Roman god of fire. Esoteric astrologers refer to a planet named Vulcan, which is believed to have revolved around the Sun, closer in than Mercury, until it was finally re-absorbed into the fire of the Sun.

All of the planets are believed to have been created from the Sun. The volcanoes on Earth remind us of this, original creation, because the fire comes forth and then the lava provides fertile soil for plants. Large human populations tend to live near volcanoes. Even in Iceland, the buildings are heated by volcanoes and plants are grown in thermally heated greenhouses.

The basic ingredients of the earth's atmosphere, such as nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide are sent out from volcanic eruptions. Carbon dioxide supports plant life, and plants, in turn, release oxygen into the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Oxygen, of course, supports human and animal life.

The astrological charts for the dates of major volcanic eruptions contain what is called a "yod". A yod is a planetary configuration in which two planets are 60 degrees apart and a third planet is 150 degrees from each of those. A yod is, therefore, shaped like a long, thin, isosceles triangle, just like the shape of a volcano. (Note: Often the lunar nodes are involved, rather than all of them necessarily being planets.)

Some examples of dates of volcanic eruptions containing a yod are:

Mount St. Helens - May 28, 1980
Mount Pinatubo - June 15, 1991
Mount Popocatepetl - December l8, 2000
Mount Etna - July 27, 2001

Your own astrological chart is a representation of the beginning of the creation of your own life outside of the womb. If the time of your actual conception were known, a chart could be drawn for it too.

If your natal chart contains a yod, you would be very much attuned to the creation of new life. A yod often appears in the charts of creative artists who feel compelled to create and to give new life to the world.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Astrological Innovation for Prosperity

So many of the world's problems would be solved if more people could enjoy prosperity. Yet, even the richer nations have people who are poor and other people who have money but are still not happy.

Prosperity is a state which comes from within. If you have a positive attitude, you will increase your prosperity, because what you belief is what you create. If you are poor, you will need to overcome your belief in lack, and you will attract the money you need to carry out your life goals. If you are rich, you will need to come to see beyond your attachment to money to the divine mission which you are here to carry out. Then your life will have meaning, and you will discover fulfilment.

Astrology is the best strategy to enhance your prosperity. There are many positive thinking experts, but their advice is too general because it does not take into account the fact that each individual is unique, as astrology does. Each person needs guidance in his or her own special areas to achieve maximum prosperity. You are here for your own, unique purpose and you deserve individual attention, nurturing and encouragement to ensure that you reach your full potential.

If you have any comments or if you would like assistance with your own prosperity concerns, please feel welcome to contact me at It will be helpful if you can include your own date, time, and place of birth. Do it for yourself, as well as for the future of the world.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Crepuscular Rays

Besides the beauty of rainbows, another wonderful form of inspiration in the daytime sky is what are called "crepuscular rays". You have probably seen these spreading, white rays of sunlight shining down through an opening in the clouds and just not given them such a fancy name.

I live on the north shore of a lake, where I have been able to get a good view of the vast sky and, in particular, the characteristics of crepuscular rays. What I have noticed is that, when there is an astrological sextile aspect of another planet to the Sun, the crepuscular rays spread out by sixty degrees - a sextile aspect being sixty degrees! When there is a trine aspect of another planet to the Sun, the rays spread out by one hundred and twenty degrees - the same as a trine!

So, what you can observe with crepuscular rays is a direct correspondence between the observable sky and the angles between the celestial bodies! Metaphysicists would say that God's creation is manifesting on the earth from the Infinite, and that the flow of Light from the Astral Plane to the Physical Plane can actually be observed in the phenomenon of crepuscular rays.

An article in the June 2006 issue of Astronomy magazine entitled "Stargazing in Ancient Egypt" suggests a connection here too. The authors, Patricia Blackwell Gary and Richard Talcott stated:

"Many Egyptologists claim the pyramids' inspiration may have been an atmospheric phenomenon known as crepuscular rays. Intermittent clouds can break the sunlight into separate beams of light, and perspective effects make them appear to fan out from the Sun."

The pyramids were built with one hundred and twenty-degree angles, like the trines in astrology. The Egyptians were very aware of astrology. For example, Ptolemy's works describe his observations of the sky and their corresponding astrological indicators.

So, instead of watching television, go out and observe the patterns in the sky and receive inspiration from the gods!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Astrology and Rainbows

Astrologers notice the patterns as to the positions of the planets in the sky and the events we observe in our daily lives.

One of the most beautiful events we can observe in nature is the appearance of a rainbow. In the Bible, God put a rainbow in the sky to assure Noah that he would never again create a flood which would destroy all living beings. A rainbow is, therefore, a sign of peace - a sign that the storm is over and that the sun has come out.

In science, a rainbow is created when the white light of the sun's rays hits little drops of water in the air and scatters into the various colours. The little raindrops act like prisms and mirrors, and the colours are reflected back to our eyes. The light of each colour is bent at a slightly different angle, and the overall effect we see is the bands of colours.

In astrology, the planet Neptune has a lot to do with predicting when you might see a rainbow. Neptune was the god of the sea, and of the rain. Neptune also rules illusions: A rainbow is really an illusion, even though you can see it. Yet, high above the level of mechanistic, scientific explanation, rainbows are still a wonderful source of inspiration.

Venus rules beauty and peace. Venus, as well as Neptune, is prominent astrologically when rainbows can be seen. If there is a Venus-Pluto conjunction - that is, when Venus and Neptune are at the same angle in the sky as seen from the earth - your chances of seeing a rainbow are good.

Questions? Email me at

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Welcome to Astrology Inspiration!
This new blogsite will include weekly postings about how astrology can contribute to your individual well-being, the health of our society, and the harmony on our planet as a whole.
My Display Name for blogging is Rainbow Life.
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