Friday, May 30, 2008

Astrology and Rainbows

Astrologers notice the patterns as to the positions of the planets in the sky and the events we observe in our daily lives.

One of the most beautiful events we can observe in nature is the appearance of a rainbow. In the Bible, God put a rainbow in the sky to assure Noah that he would never again create a flood which would destroy all living beings. A rainbow is, therefore, a sign of peace - a sign that the storm is over and that the sun has come out.

In science, a rainbow is created when the white light of the sun's rays hits little drops of water in the air and scatters into the various colours. The little raindrops act like prisms and mirrors, and the colours are reflected back to our eyes. The light of each colour is bent at a slightly different angle, and the overall effect we see is the bands of colours.

In astrology, the planet Neptune has a lot to do with predicting when you might see a rainbow. Neptune was the god of the sea, and of the rain. Neptune also rules illusions: A rainbow is really an illusion, even though you can see it. Yet, high above the level of mechanistic, scientific explanation, rainbows are still a wonderful source of inspiration.

Venus rules beauty and peace. Venus, as well as Neptune, is prominent astrologically when rainbows can be seen. If there is a Venus-Pluto conjunction - that is, when Venus and Neptune are at the same angle in the sky as seen from the earth - your chances of seeing a rainbow are good.

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