Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Astrological Weather Indicators

Because the ancients needed to be able to predict the weather in order to grow their crops, they developed a very sophisticated system of weather prediction. Ptolemy recorded much of what was known about the subject in about 150 A.D. in his work "Tetrabiblos". He included both the twelve zodiacal signs as a whole and then broke down each sign into its three decanates and their effects on the weather. He also included the effects of new and full moons, the different appearances of the sun and the moon, fixed stars, and rainbows.

My own observations have been that the element of the moon is very influential on the weather:
Moon in fire sign - hot
Moon in earth sign - cold
Moon in air sign - windy
Moon in water sign - rain

Mars-Uranus aspects indicate thunderstorms. Aspects between planets ruling fire signs (Sun, Mars, Jupiter) indicate a heatwave in summer or a sunny day (clear, cold) in winter. If there are three or more square aspects on a given day, the weather will likely be inclement but active.

The best way to understand astrological weather indicators is to make your own observations. The types of weather differ from one part of the world to another, and you may be able to add to the world's knowledge by finding the patterns in your own area.

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