Thursday, December 4, 2008

Astrology and Mystic Christianity

Astrology was already widely known at the time of the birth of Christ. For example, the Bible records travels of persons between the Holy Lands and Egypt, where astrology was very popular. There had also been contact with Babylon, where astrology went back to the ancient Sumerians.

In the book "Mystic Christianity", Yogi Ramacharaka discusses the Star in the East and what it means. He said that the traditions of the Occult Orders inform us that what the Three Wise Men observed was "a pecular conjunction of planets" - which we modern astrologers would call a "stellium", meaning three planets all in the same direction at once in the sky, as seen from the earth. There was first a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, and they were afterward joined by Mars, making "a startling and unusual stellar display, and having deep astrological significance".

This stellium, according to Yogi Ramacharaka, occurred in the Constellation of Pisces. The teachings of Christ are indeed very Piscean, having to do with compassion for the weak, self-sacrifice, and subtle healing. Pisces is the sign of the Fish, and Jesus had fishermen as disciples (Saturn) and fed the multitude by starting (Mars) with a small number of fish and increasing their number through faith (Jupiter).

Note: This is my last and final posting at Astrology Inspiration, as I have now written about all of the topics which I had in mind at the beginning. These postings will remain here until such time as the blogsite provider decides to remove them, so now is your chance to read or print out any postings you wish.

You may be interested in my new blogsite, which is called Prosperity Astrology, which I have already begun as a compassionate response to the world economic situation. It will tentatively run until March 2009, with postings approximately once a week.

1 comment:

Ankita Malhotra said...

Astrology is a pseudoscience that professes to divine data about human undertakings and earthbound occasions by considering the developments and relative places of heavenly objects.Astrology has been dated to in any event the second thousand years BCE, and has its foundations in calendrical frameworks used to anticipate regular movements and to decipher divine cycles as indications of celestial correspondences.

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