Thursday, October 30, 2008

Creating World Peace in Accordance with Your Astrological Sign

Here is how you, as an individual, can tie into the goal of world peace. (Dates for each sign are based on sidereal calculations.)

ARIES (April 14 to May 15)
Put your ideals into action. Be a pioneer in trying a new method of peace. Help others overcome their indecisiveness, apathy or fear. Encourage them to move into the future with a positive attitude. Sell the idea of peace.

TAURUS (May 15 to June 15)
Show others how to be patient. Build for the long-term future in an agreeable, logical way. Know that real security comes from within. Transcend the need for money, buildings, or other material attachments and seek what is truly lasting.

GEMINI (June 15 to July 17)
Use your communications skills to get people to understand one another. Do this as a translator, reporter or teacher. Be aware of the very powerful effect of words. Use positive words to create positive effects.

CANCER ((July 17 to August 18)
Nurture yourself and train your mind to have positive expectations about the world around you. Then you will have much to offer your family. Harmonious families are the basis of a harmonious world. Associate with positive, caring people. Know that you are secure and all will be well.

LEO ((August 18 to September 18)
Transcend your ego and be guided by your spirit. Awaken others to the love of life and the positive enthusiasm needed to make a better world. Dramatize the joy of peace, such as by reminding people of happy children. Lift others out of their doubts and inspire them.

VIRGO (September 18 to October 18)
Use your rational mind to show others the logical basis for overcoming fear. Help them see the rationality of positive thinking. Build understanding with your objectivity. Teach others that good physical, mental, and spiritual health is the basis of a healthy, peaceful planet.

LIBRA (October 18 to November 17)
Use your natural mediation skills to bring people of opposing views to agreement. Set a good example of harmony and compromise. Help others discover their common ground and build on it. Believe in your unusually clear, inner vision of peace.

SCORPIO (November 17 to December 17)
Delve into what the blocks are to peace and work at the transformative level. Find out the real truth and help others change negative root beliefs into positive ones. Help them believe that a deep shift to the positive is possible. Set a good example of courage.

SAGITTARIUS (December 17 to January 15)
Seek out the positive beliefs in the various world religions and philosophies. Teach others to focus on the highest, most positive affirmations for world peace. Spread good news. Transcend cultural barriers at home or go forth and uplift others in a faraway land.

CAPRICORN (January 15 to February 14)
Deal with people in power, so that you can have a significant influence on world peace. Be trustworthy and reliable. Turn big problems into small ones. Use your logic and detachment to find the most practical, realistic solutions.

AQUARIUS (February 13 to March 15)
Use your natural, universal awareness to spread tolerance and friendship. Bring in the Light from higher planes of consciousness. Find unique, inventive solutions for peace. Take up the cause. Associate with others who share your vision of the most good for all people.

PISCES (March 15 to April 14)
Nurture your emotions and take good care of your health. Be clear yourself so that you can channel in the Light and meditate on healing the planet as a whole. Overcome any negative thoughts by starting with one, positive thought. Keep building on it until the pure Light comes in. Set an example of the highest compassion for others.

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