Monday, October 6, 2008

Heliocentric Astrology Explained

Heliocentric astrology is a method of chart calculation based on the positions of the planets from the vantage point of the sun, rather than the earth. Most astrological charts are what are called "geocentric", which means that they are calculated according to how we see them from the earth, rather than from the sun.

Each method has its own advantages: The origin of our solar system is the sun, and a heliocentric chart gives us a more primal, creative perspective. On the other hand, we were born on the earth, and our first and most lasting impression of the influences of the planets would have been from our earthly perspective.

When I am interpreting a chart, I include both the geocentric and heliocentric positions, to get the whole picture. I found in my research that, when an event seemed unexplainable in the geocentric chart, the answer lay in the heliocentric chart - especially heliocentric Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The positions of these three planets differ greatly from one system to the other, but the outer planets are in almost the same positions in both systems - that is, whether you are viewing them from the earth or according to where they would appear from the sun.

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