Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Volcanoes, Yods, and the Creation of New Life

The word "volcano" comes from the name "Vulcan", who was the Roman god of fire. Esoteric astrologers refer to a planet named Vulcan, which is believed to have revolved around the Sun, closer in than Mercury, until it was finally re-absorbed into the fire of the Sun.

All of the planets are believed to have been created from the Sun. The volcanoes on Earth remind us of this, original creation, because the fire comes forth and then the lava provides fertile soil for plants. Large human populations tend to live near volcanoes. Even in Iceland, the buildings are heated by volcanoes and plants are grown in thermally heated greenhouses.

The basic ingredients of the earth's atmosphere, such as nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide are sent out from volcanic eruptions. Carbon dioxide supports plant life, and plants, in turn, release oxygen into the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Oxygen, of course, supports human and animal life.

The astrological charts for the dates of major volcanic eruptions contain what is called a "yod". A yod is a planetary configuration in which two planets are 60 degrees apart and a third planet is 150 degrees from each of those. A yod is, therefore, shaped like a long, thin, isosceles triangle, just like the shape of a volcano. (Note: Often the lunar nodes are involved, rather than all of them necessarily being planets.)

Some examples of dates of volcanic eruptions containing a yod are:

Mount St. Helens - May 28, 1980
Mount Pinatubo - June 15, 1991
Mount Popocatepetl - December l8, 2000
Mount Etna - July 27, 2001

Your own astrological chart is a representation of the beginning of the creation of your own life outside of the womb. If the time of your actual conception were known, a chart could be drawn for it too.

If your natal chart contains a yod, you would be very much attuned to the creation of new life. A yod often appears in the charts of creative artists who feel compelled to create and to give new life to the world.

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