Monday, November 17, 2008

The Forgotten Influence of the Fixed Stars

Most modern, astrological readings just include the Sun, the Moon, and the planets within our own solar system. There was a fad for a while to include the largest asteroids, but even they are part of our own solar system, because they orbit our Sun and are located between Mars and Jupiter.

It is felt that the influences within our solar system are more significant, but what about the degree of brightness of the heavenly bodies as a factor in their importance? We cannot even see Uranus, Neptune and Pluto without a telescope. Yet, if we look up at the night sky on any clear night, we can see a myriad of fixed stars which must be extremely large and bright, because they are so easily visible in spite of their great distance from us.

Fixed stars used to be considered very important in astrology. One reason for this was that the ancients were closer to nature and were more aware of what was up in the sky. Another reason is that the meanings associated with fixed stars were often negative, and people these days want to hear good news. Also, our society has become very materialistic and people tend not to look beyond immediate gain to subtler, spiritual factors.

Yet, the interpretations of the fixed stars need not be in negative terms. Transcendental, spiritual awareness allows for the same influences to be interpreted in a more constructive, favorable light. The influences can be seen as opportunities for spiritual growth, rather than as limitations.

If you are interested in the influences of the fixed stars, there is very little published, transcendental knowledge available about them. However, this may change in the future, as human knowledge grows and expands. Someone, someday, will write a definitive work on fixed stars.

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