Friday, November 28, 2008

Taking the High Road Part 1: Inner Planets

Your astrological chart presents various possibilities, and it is up to you and your own willpower to decide how to meet these opportunities and challenges. Be inspired to take the high road!

Here is the high road for each planetary influence:

SUN - Consciously use your ego to express your inner will to do good. Align your ego with your spirit. Have healthy self-confidence.

MOON - Direct your emotions towards nurturing yourself and others. Transcend any negative emotions.

MERCURY - Develop your intellect and use it for spiritual purposes. Foster positive, constructive thinking, good memory, logic, and detachment.

VENUS - Love yourself and others. Create harmony and beauty. Be compassionate. Rise above indecision or attachment to possessions.

MARS - Take constructive action. Transcend aggressive or selfish behaviour. Be positive, pioneeering, and do your best. Keep fit.

You can use the above suggestions for both your natal chart and your current transits.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Decanates and Duads for More Precise Chart Interpretation

An astrological chart is divided into twelve houses. Each house represents 30 degrees of the 360-degree circle.

Each house can, in turn, be divided into three sections of 10 degrees each, called decanates. Decanates allow for a more detailed, precise focus in inspiring your clients.

Each decanate, in turn, can be divided into four sections of 2 1/2 degrees each, called duads. Some astrologers go beyond duads to consider each of the 360 degrees separately. These smaller divisions are usually used in East Indian astrology, and they come up with very precise predictions.

Within each house, there is a whole, microcosmic horoscope, made up of 12 divisions of 2 1/2 degrees each - or 12 duads.

For the interpretation of decanates, the first decanate in each sign is sub-ruled by the same sign as the sign itself. For example, for Leo, the first decanate is ruled by Leo. The next decanate is sub-ruled by the next sign in the triplicity, going around the chart counter-clockwise. So the next decanate after Leo would be Sagittarius (i.e. the next fire sign), and the third would be Aries. So, a person born in the first decanate of Leo would have an intensified Leo influence. Those born in the second would still be Leos but also have Sagittarian qualities, and so on.

For the interpretation of duads, the first duad in each sign has the sub-sign of the sign itself, and then they proceed in order through all twelve. For example, the first duad of Aries,would intensify the Aries influence; the second would add a Taurean influence to the Aries, and so on.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Forgotten Influence of the Fixed Stars

Most modern, astrological readings just include the Sun, the Moon, and the planets within our own solar system. There was a fad for a while to include the largest asteroids, but even they are part of our own solar system, because they orbit our Sun and are located between Mars and Jupiter.

It is felt that the influences within our solar system are more significant, but what about the degree of brightness of the heavenly bodies as a factor in their importance? We cannot even see Uranus, Neptune and Pluto without a telescope. Yet, if we look up at the night sky on any clear night, we can see a myriad of fixed stars which must be extremely large and bright, because they are so easily visible in spite of their great distance from us.

Fixed stars used to be considered very important in astrology. One reason for this was that the ancients were closer to nature and were more aware of what was up in the sky. Another reason is that the meanings associated with fixed stars were often negative, and people these days want to hear good news. Also, our society has become very materialistic and people tend not to look beyond immediate gain to subtler, spiritual factors.

Yet, the interpretations of the fixed stars need not be in negative terms. Transcendental, spiritual awareness allows for the same influences to be interpreted in a more constructive, favorable light. The influences can be seen as opportunities for spiritual growth, rather than as limitations.

If you are interested in the influences of the fixed stars, there is very little published, transcendental knowledge available about them. However, this may change in the future, as human knowledge grows and expands. Someone, someday, will write a definitive work on fixed stars.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Astrological Weather Indicators

Because the ancients needed to be able to predict the weather in order to grow their crops, they developed a very sophisticated system of weather prediction. Ptolemy recorded much of what was known about the subject in about 150 A.D. in his work "Tetrabiblos". He included both the twelve zodiacal signs as a whole and then broke down each sign into its three decanates and their effects on the weather. He also included the effects of new and full moons, the different appearances of the sun and the moon, fixed stars, and rainbows.

My own observations have been that the element of the moon is very influential on the weather:
Moon in fire sign - hot
Moon in earth sign - cold
Moon in air sign - windy
Moon in water sign - rain

Mars-Uranus aspects indicate thunderstorms. Aspects between planets ruling fire signs (Sun, Mars, Jupiter) indicate a heatwave in summer or a sunny day (clear, cold) in winter. If there are three or more square aspects on a given day, the weather will likely be inclement but active.

The best way to understand astrological weather indicators is to make your own observations. The types of weather differ from one part of the world to another, and you may be able to add to the world's knowledge by finding the patterns in your own area.