Thursday, October 30, 2008

Creating World Peace in Accordance with Your Astrological Sign

Here is how you, as an individual, can tie into the goal of world peace. (Dates for each sign are based on sidereal calculations.)

ARIES (April 14 to May 15)
Put your ideals into action. Be a pioneer in trying a new method of peace. Help others overcome their indecisiveness, apathy or fear. Encourage them to move into the future with a positive attitude. Sell the idea of peace.

TAURUS (May 15 to June 15)
Show others how to be patient. Build for the long-term future in an agreeable, logical way. Know that real security comes from within. Transcend the need for money, buildings, or other material attachments and seek what is truly lasting.

GEMINI (June 15 to July 17)
Use your communications skills to get people to understand one another. Do this as a translator, reporter or teacher. Be aware of the very powerful effect of words. Use positive words to create positive effects.

CANCER ((July 17 to August 18)
Nurture yourself and train your mind to have positive expectations about the world around you. Then you will have much to offer your family. Harmonious families are the basis of a harmonious world. Associate with positive, caring people. Know that you are secure and all will be well.

LEO ((August 18 to September 18)
Transcend your ego and be guided by your spirit. Awaken others to the love of life and the positive enthusiasm needed to make a better world. Dramatize the joy of peace, such as by reminding people of happy children. Lift others out of their doubts and inspire them.

VIRGO (September 18 to October 18)
Use your rational mind to show others the logical basis for overcoming fear. Help them see the rationality of positive thinking. Build understanding with your objectivity. Teach others that good physical, mental, and spiritual health is the basis of a healthy, peaceful planet.

LIBRA (October 18 to November 17)
Use your natural mediation skills to bring people of opposing views to agreement. Set a good example of harmony and compromise. Help others discover their common ground and build on it. Believe in your unusually clear, inner vision of peace.

SCORPIO (November 17 to December 17)
Delve into what the blocks are to peace and work at the transformative level. Find out the real truth and help others change negative root beliefs into positive ones. Help them believe that a deep shift to the positive is possible. Set a good example of courage.

SAGITTARIUS (December 17 to January 15)
Seek out the positive beliefs in the various world religions and philosophies. Teach others to focus on the highest, most positive affirmations for world peace. Spread good news. Transcend cultural barriers at home or go forth and uplift others in a faraway land.

CAPRICORN (January 15 to February 14)
Deal with people in power, so that you can have a significant influence on world peace. Be trustworthy and reliable. Turn big problems into small ones. Use your logic and detachment to find the most practical, realistic solutions.

AQUARIUS (February 13 to March 15)
Use your natural, universal awareness to spread tolerance and friendship. Bring in the Light from higher planes of consciousness. Find unique, inventive solutions for peace. Take up the cause. Associate with others who share your vision of the most good for all people.

PISCES (March 15 to April 14)
Nurture your emotions and take good care of your health. Be clear yourself so that you can channel in the Light and meditate on healing the planet as a whole. Overcome any negative thoughts by starting with one, positive thought. Keep building on it until the pure Light comes in. Set an example of the highest compassion for others.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Four Elements and Relationship Compatibility

The twelve astrological signs are each indicative of one of the four elements of fire, earth, air or water:
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
(Note: See my August 11 posting "Sidereal Astrology Explained", to get the astronomically correct dates for each of the twelve signs.)

How do persons of these various combinations get along?

Fire-Fire - Great energy, passion and enthusiasm at first, but then it can burn out.

Fire-Earth - Fire uplifts earth's spirits and earth helps fire achieve more practical things, but they are very different and too much earth can put a fire out.

Fire-Air - Fire warms the air and air helps the fire burn better. Very compatible and enlivening.

Fire-Water - Fire can heat up water to the point of steaming over with anger. Water puts a fire out. Not a favorable combination.

Earth-Earth - Good for practicality, dependability and long-term commitment, but lacking in excitement.

Earth-Air - Earth may find air superficial and inconsistent. Air needs change and may blow earth away as dust. Tend to be too different from each other.

Earth-Water - They compliment each other. Earth gives water stability and a place to flow. Water gives earth the ability to grow plants.

Air-Air - They enjoy sociability and communication, and share higher intellectual interests above the fire, earth and water. They get little practical done, but are very compatible.

Air-Water - Air does not seem sensitive enough or deep enough for water. Water can make the air feel stifled and unable to circulate. Little in common.

Water-Water - They are very compatible emotionally and can support, heal, and nurture each other.

(l) It is best to consider the whole, astrological chart and not just the sun signs to determine a persons's most prominent element.
(2) Even if your elements are incompatible, you can still do a great deal by way of compromise and willpower to make a relationship better.
(3) The above describes the symmetry and order of Divine Creation in the realm of human relationships. However, always remember that your most important inspiration is your relationship is with the Divine.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Synastry: The Astrology of Relationships

One of the most frequent reasons why clients come to astrologers is that they have questions about a relationship which they have with someone else. Sometimes they have just met someone and they wonder whether a relationship with that person would work out. Other times, they are already in a relationship and wonder how they can make it more harmonious. Sometimes they are wondering if the differences between them are so great that they would be better off separating and finding someone else.

The astrological study of relationships - also called "synastry" - is very fascinating and yet relatively easy to understand.

There are four elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water. Fire and air get along best with each other, and earth and water get along best with each other. Those of the same element, such as two persons of fire signs, are also compatible. In my next posting, I will go into more detail about this.

If you want to delve more deeply into synastry - for example, into other compatibility indicators besides the four elements - a very good, little book on the subject is "How to Handle Your Human Relations" by Lois Hanes Sargent. She goes into both attraction and endurability factors. ("Endurability" refers to whether the relationship will last.) There is also "The Astrology of Human Relationships" by Frances Sakoian and Louis S. Acker.

Sometimes the indicators which bring people together are on a deeper, spiritual level. For example, there are "soul mates" and "twin flames" - persons who are meant to come together for a higher, spiritual purpose.

There are also exceptions to the rule. One woman who came to me said that she kept being drawn to a particular man even though they seemed to have nothing in common. Their charts confirmed their lack of compatibility. However, they both had Saturn square their lunar nodes. She was new to Canada and the man, in another country, was just beginning an uncertain business veture. Their common ground was simply their shared need for stability and roots.

For more information, please contact me, Rainbow Life, at

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Astrology and Your Health

According to "The American Book of Nutrition and Medical Astrology" by Eileen Nauman, you can understand your health better by analyzing your astrological chart.

Your houses tell why any ailment might occur. Their root cause is told by the overall modality: If cardinal signs are prominent, the root cause would pertain to your kidneys. Mutable signs: your lymph gland system. Fixed signs: your colon. So, you can strategically maintain health by taking special care of whichever part could be the root cause of any illness.

Hard aspects, especially quincunxes - then squares, conjunctions and oppositions - indicate how likely or how serious any ailment might be. The planets tell how the organ or bodily function would likely be affected. The signs show where (i.e. the area of the body) where any ailment might occur - going from Aries ruling the head down to Pisces ruling the feet. The transits tell when any ailment might occur.

By gaining experience in working with these indicators, you can become aware of a great deal concerning your health and how to improve it.

For more information, please contact me, Rainbow Life, at

Monday, October 6, 2008

Heliocentric Astrology Explained

Heliocentric astrology is a method of chart calculation based on the positions of the planets from the vantage point of the sun, rather than the earth. Most astrological charts are what are called "geocentric", which means that they are calculated according to how we see them from the earth, rather than from the sun.

Each method has its own advantages: The origin of our solar system is the sun, and a heliocentric chart gives us a more primal, creative perspective. On the other hand, we were born on the earth, and our first and most lasting impression of the influences of the planets would have been from our earthly perspective.

When I am interpreting a chart, I include both the geocentric and heliocentric positions, to get the whole picture. I found in my research that, when an event seemed unexplainable in the geocentric chart, the answer lay in the heliocentric chart - especially heliocentric Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The positions of these three planets differ greatly from one system to the other, but the outer planets are in almost the same positions in both systems - that is, whether you are viewing them from the earth or according to where they would appear from the sun.