Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Scientific Evidence for Astrology

There is much scientific, empirical research which demonstrates statistically significant correlations between planetary positions and observable events on earth. The leaders in this research have been Michel and Francoise Gauquelin, who have conducted many large studies and published books on the subject.

I worked with Francoise Gauquelin on a number of such studies myself, and I can attest to her exactness and thoroughness in making sure that the results were accurate and complete. I also met Michel Gauquelin when he presented a lecture and workshop in Toronto during his last North American tour. I was greatly impressed with his idealism, vision, and long, hard work.

The present-day organization, the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), is an outgrowth of the Gauquelin's research, and you can find out about their ongoing research by Googling in their website.

Higher Consciousness and Astrological Insight

If we are in a higher state of consciousness, knowledge can come to us directly through meditation or prayer. In this state of awareness, we transcend mind-body dualism and see that heaven and earth are united, and that astrology is the link between the two. Astrology is the symbolic language of the heart chakra, which is the point of union of physical and spiritual energies. Matter ascends and spirit descends. (As above, so below.) Astrology is a pathway to opening the heart chakra, because it can be used to enhance love of self and love of others, by focusing the attention inwards and contemplating the Source.

Astrologyinspiration.blogspot.com is my Sky Blogsite. You can also view my Earth Blogsite, which is natureontario.blogspot.com.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Astrology, Christianity, and Rebirth

Astrology is in harmony with the teachings of the Bible. For example, the three wise men were astrologers, and they determined where the baby Jesus was by studying the stars.

Daniel was an astrologer, and his vision of the four beasts was in reference to the Egyptian sphinx, which represented the four fixed signs in astrology.

However, while the Magi predicted the birth of Jesus, Jesus himself said that no one could predict his rebirth. That was because the awareness of God goes high above the astral plane, which itself was created by God. Astrology deals with birth, and Christianity deals with rebirth - the ability to make a conscious choice of willpower, based on astrological and other knowledge, to live in harmony with Divine Will.

Astrology and Attunement with Nature

Awareness comes from being connected with nature and its cycles. This involves taking the time to actually observe nature and see what is really there.

In order to perceive that astrology works, you need to actually observe the heavenly bodies and come to appreciate their cycles. The ancients had a better opportunity to do this than we do. They had time to tune in to their subjective, as well as objective, responses to their observations. It was they who developed astrology.

Also, they more directly depended on this knowledge for survival. For example, fishermen observed the cycles of the moon to know when the fish would come in near shore to spawn. Agricultural societies needed to know when to plant and harvest their crops.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Are Computer Astrological Readings as Good as Consulting an Astrologer?

In answer to the above question, I would say that computer readings are good as far as they go. I am an author for an astrological software company myself. I write descriptions for the planets in the signs and houses, as well as the aspects. However, what would be difficult to include in a computer reading would be aspect patterns.

Aspect patterns involve the combined effects of several planets simultaneously into one, interpretative insight. For example, an in-person reading usually includes T-squares, kites, grand crosses, grand trines and other planetary configurations. It would take a very complex computer program to recognize these in a chart. The interpretation of these configurations would be further complicated by the fact that different interpretations would be required for each of the possible planets and combinations of planets which could be involved in a configuration.

Theoretically, in the future, software to include planetary configurations could be developed. However, the software I write now requires about 600 different paragraphs for each report - just for signs, houses and aspects. Each report is about as long as a book. So, it would take a lot of work to get all of the knowledge an astrologer has into computer report form.

In the meantime, an astrologer can give you insights which a computer cannot. A computer report combined with a reading from an astrologer might be your most comprehensive option at this stage in the development of computer software. Computers were created by human beings, and they certainly have not yet caught up with our intelligence. Yet, we can save work by using them to handle at least some of the knowledge which we have.

In addition, computer reports have not yet been written on all of the possible topics about which you might wish to consult an astrologer. If your questions or concerns are about an unusual or innovative topic, your best option would be just to consult an astrologer directly.

Questions? Email me, Rainbow Life, at rainbowlife33@gmail.com.