Monday, June 30, 2008

Prenatal Healing with Astrology

Did you know that astrology is an excellent tool for transcending prenatal blocks to ultimate happiness?

You were created in the image and likeness of God. Any traumatic experiences in your prenatal life were just the result of what westerners call "original sin" and easterners call "maya", or the illusion of things not being perfect.

What is needed for healing from any such blockages is to integrate, or connect, the perfection of your creation with your awareness of your divine nature now.

Someimes it can be an upsetting process to face past pain and release it. However, with your astrological chart as an objective detached guide, you can maintain your position of being above the pain and witness the healing taking place. In this way, you remain above reacting to the intensity of the healing taking place, and you proceed through it calmly.

An example would be that, if you have Saturn in Leo in your natal chart, you may have acquired back problems from your prenatal experiences. However, if you look at you chart as a whole - as a map of your individual, divine nature - you can see that chiropractic treatments, for example, are just a step towards your total self-realization, not a self-definition of weakness or illness. You can then proceed to release the tight places in your spine and get on with your overall life's mission - freer than you have ever been before.

Besides Saturn identifying any places in your body which may need special attention, there are other, especially significant indicators in your astrological chart as well. One is your Midheaven, which corresponds to your conception point on the top of your head. There are also your lunar nodes, which tell what type of influences have come into your life through your mother.....

In fact, your natal chart tells a whole, fascinating story about your past and your future possibilities. For more information, please feel free to contact me, Rainbow Life, at It is best to include your date, time, and place of birth, so that your astrological chart can be considered.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Planetary Correspondences to Your Chakras

Each of your seven chakras has its own type of energy. In turn, each chakra is ruled by a planet (or planets) in astrology. Here are the correspondences:

Crown Chakra - Uranus
Brow Chakra - Jupiter
Throat Chakra - Mercury and Neptune
Heart Chakra - Venus
Solar Plexus Chakra - Sun and Mars
Spleen Chakra - Moon and Pluto
Root Chakra - Earth and Saturn

You can heal your aura by beginning at the level of working with the planetary influences in your astrological chart. Or, you can begin with your aura and bring in light to guide you in living your astrological chart on the highest, possible, spiritual level.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Children's Astrology Charts

One of the wisest, best investments you can make is to get an astrological reading for your child.

If you know where your child's potential lies, you can help him or her achieve it in an understanding way. You can also avert physical or emotional health problems by identifying any underlying tendencies early.

Each child has his or her own learning style. For example, a child who has Mercury in Taurus will learn slowly but will remember what he or she learns for a much longer time than most children. Mercury in Gemini indicates a restless, agile mind constantly in need of new stimulation. The Mercury in Cancer child will be sensitive and eager to please and should be reassured and encouraged rather than disciplined. It is far better to know these things ahead of time for happier success in school.

A child's chart will also provide insights into his or her personality, perception of his or her parents, and special talents. It shows how your child socializes, asserts him/self, and develops spiritually. It gives guidance regarding past influences from grandparents and present learning from peers.

It is understandably difficult for parents to see their children objectively and to avoid projecting their own personalities onto their child. Astrology is a detached, objective way of very quickly uncovering a wealth of useful information. Parents can then use this knowledge in combination with their own, natural instincts as parents. The result is a very balanced, comprehensive and nurturing approach to the best parenting possible.

For more information about children's astrology charts, please feel welcome to contact me, Rainbow Life, at:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Volcanoes, Yods, and the Creation of New Life

The word "volcano" comes from the name "Vulcan", who was the Roman god of fire. Esoteric astrologers refer to a planet named Vulcan, which is believed to have revolved around the Sun, closer in than Mercury, until it was finally re-absorbed into the fire of the Sun.

All of the planets are believed to have been created from the Sun. The volcanoes on Earth remind us of this, original creation, because the fire comes forth and then the lava provides fertile soil for plants. Large human populations tend to live near volcanoes. Even in Iceland, the buildings are heated by volcanoes and plants are grown in thermally heated greenhouses.

The basic ingredients of the earth's atmosphere, such as nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide are sent out from volcanic eruptions. Carbon dioxide supports plant life, and plants, in turn, release oxygen into the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Oxygen, of course, supports human and animal life.

The astrological charts for the dates of major volcanic eruptions contain what is called a "yod". A yod is a planetary configuration in which two planets are 60 degrees apart and a third planet is 150 degrees from each of those. A yod is, therefore, shaped like a long, thin, isosceles triangle, just like the shape of a volcano. (Note: Often the lunar nodes are involved, rather than all of them necessarily being planets.)

Some examples of dates of volcanic eruptions containing a yod are:

Mount St. Helens - May 28, 1980
Mount Pinatubo - June 15, 1991
Mount Popocatepetl - December l8, 2000
Mount Etna - July 27, 2001

Your own astrological chart is a representation of the beginning of the creation of your own life outside of the womb. If the time of your actual conception were known, a chart could be drawn for it too.

If your natal chart contains a yod, you would be very much attuned to the creation of new life. A yod often appears in the charts of creative artists who feel compelled to create and to give new life to the world.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Astrological Innovation for Prosperity

So many of the world's problems would be solved if more people could enjoy prosperity. Yet, even the richer nations have people who are poor and other people who have money but are still not happy.

Prosperity is a state which comes from within. If you have a positive attitude, you will increase your prosperity, because what you belief is what you create. If you are poor, you will need to overcome your belief in lack, and you will attract the money you need to carry out your life goals. If you are rich, you will need to come to see beyond your attachment to money to the divine mission which you are here to carry out. Then your life will have meaning, and you will discover fulfilment.

Astrology is the best strategy to enhance your prosperity. There are many positive thinking experts, but their advice is too general because it does not take into account the fact that each individual is unique, as astrology does. Each person needs guidance in his or her own special areas to achieve maximum prosperity. You are here for your own, unique purpose and you deserve individual attention, nurturing and encouragement to ensure that you reach your full potential.

If you have any comments or if you would like assistance with your own prosperity concerns, please feel welcome to contact me at It will be helpful if you can include your own date, time, and place of birth. Do it for yourself, as well as for the future of the world.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Crepuscular Rays

Besides the beauty of rainbows, another wonderful form of inspiration in the daytime sky is what are called "crepuscular rays". You have probably seen these spreading, white rays of sunlight shining down through an opening in the clouds and just not given them such a fancy name.

I live on the north shore of a lake, where I have been able to get a good view of the vast sky and, in particular, the characteristics of crepuscular rays. What I have noticed is that, when there is an astrological sextile aspect of another planet to the Sun, the crepuscular rays spread out by sixty degrees - a sextile aspect being sixty degrees! When there is a trine aspect of another planet to the Sun, the rays spread out by one hundred and twenty degrees - the same as a trine!

So, what you can observe with crepuscular rays is a direct correspondence between the observable sky and the angles between the celestial bodies! Metaphysicists would say that God's creation is manifesting on the earth from the Infinite, and that the flow of Light from the Astral Plane to the Physical Plane can actually be observed in the phenomenon of crepuscular rays.

An article in the June 2006 issue of Astronomy magazine entitled "Stargazing in Ancient Egypt" suggests a connection here too. The authors, Patricia Blackwell Gary and Richard Talcott stated:

"Many Egyptologists claim the pyramids' inspiration may have been an atmospheric phenomenon known as crepuscular rays. Intermittent clouds can break the sunlight into separate beams of light, and perspective effects make them appear to fan out from the Sun."

The pyramids were built with one hundred and twenty-degree angles, like the trines in astrology. The Egyptians were very aware of astrology. For example, Ptolemy's works describe his observations of the sky and their corresponding astrological indicators.

So, instead of watching television, go out and observe the patterns in the sky and receive inspiration from the gods!