Monday, August 11, 2008

Sidereal Astrology Explained

Sidereal calculations, unlike popular astrology, take into account the precession of the equinoxes. Precession is caused by a slight wobble of the earth's axis, which makes the planets appear to move back in the sky by one degree every 72 years.

Sidereal calculations are based on where astronomers actually observe the planets to be in the sky in 2008, with their scientific instruments, rather than where the planets were historically without precession being taken into account.

In the year 2008, all of the planets have moved back by about 25 degrees from the positions used in popular astrology, which was accurate only in the year 221 A.D., when the "popular" system was introduced in ancient Greece.

If you work with your sidereal chart, you will be amazed at its increased level of accuracy!

Here are the approximate dates for each sidereal sign:

Aries - April 14 to May 15
Taurus - May 15 to June 15
Gemini - June 15 to July 17
Cancer - July 17 to Aug. 18
Leo-Aug. 18 to Sept. 18
Virgo - Sept. 18 to Oct. 18
Libra - Oct. 18 to Nov. 17
Scorpio - Nov. 17 to Dec. 17
Sagittarius - Dec. 17 to Jan. 15
Capricorn - Jan. 15 to Feb. 14
Aquarius - Feb. 14 to March 15
Pisces - March 15 to April 14

If you are a Libra in popular astrology, you are most likely really a Virgo in sidereal astrology, unless you were born in the last 5 degrees of "popular" Libra (each sign being 30 degrees).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why Get Your Astrology Chart Done Again?

1) The positions of the planets change in the sky, bringing new opportunities and challenges.

2) Your awareness has grown, giving you new tools to solve old problems.

3) Special astrological calculations (heliocentric and sidereal) can add to the accuracy of your reading.

4) You would get a second opinion about surgery, so why not get a second opinion about your life?

5) Day-to-day experiences can block your right-brain awareness and inner perception; astrology brings back creativity and clarity.

6) Astrology lets you know how long the current influences in your life will last and how best to handle them.

7) Astrology is a broad field, beyond natal chart and relationship readings. You can also explore your life's mission, past karma, health, prosperity, and unlimited other areas.

For further information please contact me, Rainbow Life, at:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Overcoming Popular Myths about Astrology

Astrologers look at the whole chart and not just the person's sun sign, as is given in the popular newspaper columns. In order to perceive the validity of astrology, it it necessary to look at the totality of it and not just one, over-generalized part of the whole. Besides the sun, astrologers also take into account the influence of the moon, the planets, the angles between them, and other factors as well. In addition, reputable astrologers use astrology to enhance individual consciousness and awareness, not to make precise predictions about future events. They do not set themselves up as "gods", but instead encourage their clients to become self-empowered and to make their own choices based on a better knowledge of the trends and cycles.

How Astronomy Can Benefit Astrological Accuracy

Astrology and astronomy used to be one. When the discovery was made that the planets revolve around the sun rather than the earth, scientists mistakenly dismissed astrology as not being valid. However, ancient astrologers used a heliocentric system, and this knowledge had been temporarily lost. When science rediscovered it, what should have happened is that heliocentric calculations should have been added to the existing knowledge of astrology, as they do indeed make astrology more accurate and complete. The astronomical discovery of the precession of the equinoxes has also enhanced modern astrology, because sidereal calculations can now be used to take precession in account.

Psychic Perception and Astrology

Mechanistic science is dependent upon objective observation in order to determine what is fact. However, the ability to observe depends on the fineness of perception of the observer. Good psychics have very finely tuned perception, and they observe the astral plane of astrology directly. Kirlian photography, which uses infra-red film, even allows astral auras to be photographed. Science recognizes that the brain has two hemispheres. The left-brain is responsible for logical thought, which is used in mechanistic proof. However, the right-brain, which is able to engage in lateral thinking and be receptive to auras, is just as valid.

Note: If you are an astrologer constructing the charts for the dates of these blog posts, please note that the dates given seem to represent the date when the draft was begun, not the date of the actual publication. Also, the times given seem to be Pacific Time, rather than the time in the actual location.

The Validity of Astrology Beyond Mechanistic Science

Mechanistic science is useful as far as it goes, because it systematically documents patterns in events which are observable to the ordinary senses. However, science itself has advanced beyond the mechanistic model to Einstein's theory of relativity.

In Einstein's theory, events are defined by time and the three dimensions of space. Einstein was very knowledgeable about astrology (his own sun sign being at the end of sidereal Aquarius), and his theory is parallel to the way in which we apply astrology. A person's uniqueness in astrology is seen in terms of the time (date and time of day) and the space or place (city or town and country) of the person's birth.

Beyond relativity is the absolute - the unmanifested, universal awareness which is at the source of Creation. Einstein's theory links the everyday realm of mechanistic science with the metaphysical, subtler realms beyond ordinary, physical observation. In other words, modern, scientific theory has moved beyond the level of there having to be mechanistic proof of something for it to have validity.

Astrology, therefore, is valid with or without the collection of data to correlate it with everyday events. Astronomers and other scientists who try to suggest that astrology is not valid because it cannot be proved mechanistically need to be brought up to date with the advances in their own field of study.